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  • BagMixer 400 W Interscience / Lab Blender BagMixer 400W

BagMixer 400 W Interscience / Lab Blender BagMixer 400W

Update Terakhir
01 / 04 / 2024
Min. Pembelian
1 Unit


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Detail BagMixer 400 W Interscience / Lab Blender BagMixer 400W

Stomacher Bagmixer 400W Interscience

The BagMixer 400 W efficiently blends any type of sample, avoiding risk of cross-contamination. It is adapted to all types of applications and compatible with all blender bags. The window door enables a quick check-up of the blending, in process.


Optimal blending volume: 50 - 400 mL
Fixed speed: 8 strokes / second
Variable blending time: 30 - 210 seconds or
Window door
Optimal bacterial extractionThe peristaltic movement of the paddles allows optimal bacterial extraction during blending, without risk of cross-contamination. In 30 seconds, the sample is ready for analysis.
Q-Tight closingThe Q-Tight closure has been especially designed to prevent leaks from the top during blending. Up to 250 kg of pressure resistance.
270 door openingEasy access to the blending chamber for cleaning, thanks to the 270 opening of the door.
User-friendlyAdjust the blending time and speed according to the nature and volume of your sample: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 seconds, or infinity.

The BagMixer paddle blender is used for microbiological analyses in the food, environmental, pharmaceutical, veterinary industries and in public research institutes. It is used for the preparation of samples for quality control of raw materials, products in production and the control of finished products.
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